Friday, February 1, 2008

More Hartford Parking Woes

It's one thing for people who come in and out of our beloved capital city to be upset about parking in downtown Hartford, but when the media takes notice, something has to be done about it. If you didn't hear this morning's commentary from sports reporter Scott Gray, well read on. He's virtually waged a long overdue war on the city of Hartford and it's ass backward ridiculous parking laws. Finally.

For starters, how many of you have ever driven into downtown on a Friday night to find just about half or more of the downtown meters bagged with NO PARKING signs on them? For what? Why is the street near Hartford Stage continually affected by this? What about near the Hilton Hotel or Civic, excuse us, we mean XL Center? Get the idea?

If you didn't catch the commentary this morning on
WTIC-1080, then check it out below. We couldn't agree more. Tell us what you think. We'd love to know!

Friday, February 1st 2008 - Sports Commentary

"It's been a difficult week for me. For three and a half decades I've been one of Hartford's staunchest advocates. The beginning of my career in this market's media and the groundbreaking for the Hartford Civic Center came within a year of each other. I'm the only member of the media to hold season credentials for, and attend the first game ever played at the Civic Center by, every team that has called that facility home, even "home away from home", including such obscure teams as the Major Indoor Soccer League Hartford Hellions, the CBA Hartford Hellcats and the World Team Tennis Boston Lobsters. I was there the night John McEnroe and Boris Becker locked up in their classic seven hour Davis Cup tennis match. For more than half my career my employer was based in downtown Hartford. For most of my life my heart has been melded with the heart of Hartford. But for the last week it's felt more like an antagonistic relationship, ever since I took the city's police department to task for ticketing cars parked on the street by visitors to the city who's main crime was enjoying an evening's entertainment. I've recieved dozens of E-mails, including one from a Hartford city councilman, all in support of my position, and heard personally from downtown business owners and managers, including officials with the XL Center and the Wolf Pack, also in support. One highly placed XL Center official asked the critical question. "Have you gotten any feedback from the city?" When I answered to the negative he responded, "Don't hold your breath." In itself a sad commentary. I've heard dozens of stories this week from people who have parked for years in the location where the tickets were issued last week, always without incident. I myself for years on game nights parked in that same spot outside the radio station while I did post game work, even parking my car while manned police cruisers were on site. Most disturbing was the state legislator I heard from who's car, with legislative plates, was parked in the offensive zone at the time the tickets were issued, but he did not recieve one. If the purpose of the tickets is to punish offenders who create a safety hazard or a hindrence to businesses that aren't open at the time, that legislator deserves no better treatment than the constituents who elected him. If there is to be inconsistent or selective ticketing of evening visitors there should first be a warning. People should be notified the rules are changing and from this date to the date of the change warning tickets should be issued informing them of the change. It's troubling that there has been no action from the city at a time when it's reputation and future are circling the drain, when for lack of a seventy five thousand dollar fee payment we sacrifice an event that would have returned millions. Now I'm an advocate again. What six figure payment was made for that slogan that became a punchline, not to mention an affont to dozens of other New England cities, Providence, Springfield, Manchester, New Hampshire, that take pride in their own, often more impressive, rise. I've got something for the city officials of Hartford, and they can have it for nothing. No royalties necessary, just a promise that visitors to Hartford will be treated like guests. Let them park on your streets carefree when they come in for an evening's entertainment and I'll give you this slogan for nothing. "Hartford. You'll be glad you came!" Just be damn sure you make good on that promise. With a comment from the sports world, I'm Scott Gray."


Anonymous said...

What exactly IS the deal with all those red bagged meter spots over the last few months downtown? The area in front of Hartford Stage between the G Fox Building and the Civic Center has become one big no parking zone - even when there is nothing happening downtown.

Is Eddie Perez trying to steer customers to his well documented buddies' lots??? Its like Hartford is trying to keep people out.

Anonymous said...

I need to contact the person who runs this site.Where do I send my e-mail to? No worries is just a request e-mail.

MattF said...

Maybe ProPark needs to ratchet up its production across the board a bit now that they lost their contract in Springfield...