Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ok, we're back.

Go ahead, sue us. We've been away for a while. That's the beauty of running your own blog I suppose. There's no boss to answer to, no reports to fill out and you can post whenever you damn well please to. Sorry for our absence. We're back!

So with the new year comes the resolutions that so many of us never keep. New Year's resolutions just make us feel good, right? Shouldn't we be doing these good things all year long?

So instead of boring you with our promises to lose weight, exercise more and other nonsense, we've come up with our Top 5 resolutions that the city of Hartford should follow. They are:

1. Get moving on Adriaen's Landing
Enough is enough. Wake up and get this moving.

2. Rename the Civic Center
XL Center? Are you kidding? From the subhead of the press release: Northland AEG secures historic partnership, affirming Hartford’s status as the US Insurance Capital. Isn't it exciting to be known as the insurance capital of the US? Dream on baby, we lost that title long ago.

3. Three words: Downtown grocery store.
When, oh when, is this ever going to happen? If you live downtown, you feel our pain. Word is that the Northland group is building their own since they can't find anyone to dare open anything in the new Civic Center shopping spaces.

4. Less parking lots.
Someone ought to make it criminal to raze another landmark and put in another parking lot or garage. I personally salute the big middle finger to LAZ and ProPark. Hasn't the city over the last 30 years destroyed enough of downtown? New city law - all new parking facilities must be built underground. Can I get a second on this motion?

5. Affordable downtown living.
nstitute rent control and get people into downtown that get it. Young people, not the empty nesters. Young people get it and will make the city a fun, lively place to be. Right? And speaking of downtown, there are
a number of downtown living projects that are simply on hold because of squabble and other bullsh*t. Get it together, or give it to someone who can.

Welcome to 2008! Now, back to work.


AmyBergquist said...

I was afraid that Dirty South did you in. Glad to see that you are still alive.

Good suggestions. You'd think that the city would realize that if they can get more people to move downtown, either renters or buyers, that the businesses would do well, increasing the almighty tax roles. Der.

If you haven't already, go check out the revitalized library. I went in today to browse around and was glad to see the books were back.

AmyBergquist said...

Looky, looky, this just in...

Hartford Scoop said...

Dirty South did do us in, but we've finally cured that hangover. Good find Amy... there is hope after all.