Friday, December 7, 2007

Do you Java any good scoop?

Repeat after us. TGIF, TGIF, TGIF. The weekend has finally arrived and it's time to blow that Fred Flintstone whistle and yabba-dabba-do yourself out of the daily grind. So with the upcoming weekend, we leave you with something that just got under our skin this morning.

We love Mary. Mary Ellen Fillo that is, but we're re-evaluating our opinion of the gossip queen after reading this morning's Java page. For those of you who simply don't know, Fillo writes the daily Java column in the Hartford Courant. It's supposed to be a dishy page of celebrity gossip and news, kind of like the New York Post's Page Six, with a mix of Connecticut based dirt and international celebrity news. We personally love seeing the birthdays of our favorite celebs.

It's worth noting that on rare occasion Fillo will catch wind of some "real" celebrity coming through Connecticut and write about it. But she never reports on any of the actual events or celebrity sightings. For example, Fall Out Boy cutie Pete Wentz and his girlfriend Ashlee Simpson were at Room 960 this past summer for an event. Did Fillo's celeb-obsessed journalistic nose lead her to this? No. Not even close.

So as we were sipping our coffee this morning we nearly spit our java all over Java page. Fillo writes:

... While Some Facets of Life Lose Luster
George David, chairman and chief executive officer of Connecticut-based
United Technologies Corp., has filed for divorce.

We'll spare you from the entire article that spans a mind numbingly 9 paragraphs detailing the marriage, the lawyers involved and other bullsh*t. Is this really celebrity gossip? Is this the best Fillo can do? Do the people really care about another Connecticut corporate stiff getting a divorce? We think not. People divorce every day, wake up and smell the java. According to a recent statistic, the average divorce rate is 4.95 per 1,000 people in the United States. Is this shocking news in the Connecticut celebrity community that George David is divorcing. Please...

So with that we are offering a grand prize of our unconditional love to anyone who can snap a picture of Fillo out and about the city streets of Hartford past midnight. Email it to and we'll forever be your friend.


jay said...

She did have the interesting stuff about Rachel Lutzger but I agree there could be more in her column. LMAO at the reward for the midnight sighting!

Anonymous said...

You have to give some credit to her for mentioning Tommy Lee coming to Room 960 in one of her articles.

jay said...

According to court records, the Emperor is being sued by the Linden for foreclosure. Linden owners including the city manager, tv celebrities, etc. are paying the condo fees for the Emperor which is not paying.

Anonymous said...

MF is no Pat Seremet (God rest her soul). There's nothing unusual about her work. She extols the idiotic cadre of local TV personalities ad nauseam: Haney, Lutzger, and Hartford's Power Couple (Cara Sundlun and Dennis House). The George David stuff is much of the same.