Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hello Hartford!!

Hello Hartford!

Here’s the scoop. We’re what you would call the TMZ or the Perez Hilton of our beloved capital city, except only better. Why? Because we’ve got the scoop on everything and anything in Hartford – or so we'd like to think!

Truth is, there have been some websites over the years that are just too damn one-sided and others that are well, just plain boring. Yawn... oh yes, and to be fair we dare not leave out our good friends at the Hartford Courant, Slant Magazine and the Hartford Advocate. Think of us as a new news source for things related to all things in Hartford.

With that said, it’s rumored that the force behind the clubs Velvet and System is back on the scene again and is thinking of getting back into it. Were any of you at the Velvet reunion on Thanksgiving Eve?

Would a return of another Velvet or System be good or bad for Hartford's nightlife? You decide – let us know what you think.


MattF said...

Oh man...let's see.

Would a return of another Velvet be good for Hartford right now.

My answer: No.

My reasoning; it's not 1998 anymore and there have been a few clubs that have tried to come about nowadays and the results have been very sub-par. Add to that many fly-by-night promotional companies and you have a bad recipe. Room 960 has continued to stand tall and do well despite all of this, which shows quite a bit...but also shows really that this city can only support one serious nightclub, then maybe a night here and there at another...not 2 good-sized places on a continuous basis.

On the flip side...would another System be beneficial?

My answer: Absolutely.

Again though, this is not 1999/2000/2001, and times have changed quite a bit, as the party scene also has. It's not drug-selling and just playing relentless 140+-bpm music anymore (although in that time frame, it was the best damn thing running...and don't try to bs about no drugs and crap like that). Run it like that, it won't last, if even get off the ground. Run it proper these days, you definitely can have some very good success, as there's a real thirst for after hours right now. As also being pretty much the ONLY after hours club (not what New Haven pushes to 3am, we're talking 6/7am here) in the entire state, we're talking a major market that can be utilized, especially when booking some name DJ's to come up and play...

On an ironic side note: I've really had this big dream/vision of sorts over the past several weeks about an afterhours club in Hartford again and how it would kind of look inside with the way the culture has evolved and what's going on today....go figure.

Anonymous said...

Come on scoop... update the picture! CityPlace isn't even built yet in that shot!

Hartford Scoop said...

Ha! Vintage. That's a photo from the 1970's I believe. Ok, so I've changed it. Better? :)